Monday 22 October 2012

Body Transformation With Simon Bungate

I went to Europe this year in July and August I had a great time meeting up with friends, going to the Olympics, running with the bulls and travelling around too many amazing Europe holiday destinations to list. I decided I would have a rest from training and just eat all the foods I normally wouldn’t, well not all the time anyway.. I had heaps of Pizzas, Beef cheeks, Chips and even a couple of ice creams! The worst part was drinking most nights.. (all nights?) My stomach didn’t enjoy these foods much because it wasn’t used to it but the body held together pretty well I was still very lean and was holding most of my muscle. By the 5th week I was starting to fall apart, flu was kicking in and I was starting to hold some more body fat around the mid-section. The last few weeks I had no energy, achy, the muscle dropped off and I just kept adding body fat around my belly. When I got back I saw it as a great opportunity to rebuild my body and show the best way to do it from scratch. The 3 goals were:
  • Get my health back
  • Increase muscle mass and
  • Decrease the body fat to see the abs again.
Here is a quick overview of how I did it..

Week 1 and 2 I needed to get rehydrated and regain body alignment lost due to loads of flying and sleeping in uncomfortable hotel beds. I decided to start by drinking over 2L of water every day and having vegies with every meal. I did plenty of stretching through the hamstrings, back and neck. In the 2nd week I started some basic strength training using just the pin loaded machines (e.g. Leg Press, Std Row, Chest Press etc). I chose these as I did not want to put too much stress on my joints especially because I felt my body was out of alignment.

Week 3 and 4 my goal was to regain as much muscle as I could. I introduced a 2 day split, concentrating only on my bigger muscle groups. The split was one day of all pushing exercises (e.g. Squats, Bench, Shoulder press etc.) and the next of all pulling (e.g. Deadlifts, Chins, Bent over Row etc.) followed by a rest day and then repeat. Food was the key to this week, I ate loads of food but they were all good natural foods like Eggs, Steaks, Chicken and Vegetables. I also started taking my post workout shake of Acai, Protein, apple juice, Banana, Branch Chain Amino Acids, Creatine & Glutamine.

Week 5 and 6 it was time to start increasing the intensity of my sessions I had gained a few kilograms of muscle but there was still some bodyfat covering my abs. I had no breaks between sets now so they were either super sets or circuit work. (e.g Squats followed by Chin ups or bench jumps followed by burpees etc.). I also added 3 to 5km runs, surfing and kayaking at least 3 times each week. The food was fairly similar but I made a few small changes like taking the Banana out of my shakes, Black coffees instead of cappuccinos and almost all of my carbs were coming from vegies.

Week 7 and 8 I started concentrating on my core to try and make the abs pop out, I did a lower intensity version of the week before but did lots of core movements (e.g. hanging leg raises, Bar roll outs, Bar jack knives etc.). I also added a few hot power Yoga sessions in the last week which cut some water weight and gave me a harder more chiselled look as well as increasing my core strength further. I am super stoked with the results and so glad I took the photos to see the actual changes I have made, I hope this inspires you to continue training or to start your own transformation today.

See my bio here


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